Masters Unplugged

Private Community

Thank you for choosing to participate in our online community!

Choose a Plan

Community Live - all members are welcome to participate in these yearly live, 3 hour streams with Michael. 

• Video Library - members have unlimited access to over 200 hours of classes and workshops. 

• Mystic Circle - join us each month for a private, online gathering with your fellow creators.

• iCreator Live - free, interactive live stream! Formally called Conversations with Michael!

• Ask Michael - members are welcome to bring your questions for Michael during these quarterly, live 2 hour online gatherings! 

• Private Sessions - unlimited number of sessions

• Discounts •

- iSpirit Course - 10%

- iMystic Workshops - 10%

- Private Sessions - 20%

All discounts are valid as long as your subscription is active during the entire course or workshop. 

Basic Subscription
Every month

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month.

Everything in the Basic Plan plus:

Private Session w/ Michael

1-30min. complimentary session per year / ($300/Value)

• Discounts •

- iSpirit Course - 20%

- iMystic Workshops - 30%

- Private Sessions - 20%

All discounts are valid as long as your subscription is active during the entire course or workshop. 

Most Popular

Plus Subscription
Every month

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month.