Private Sessions
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Thank you!
Robert Theiss
Koka Filipovic
"Had the most loveliest, real and most beautiful private session with Michael through Robert Theiss. Just amazing how simple and sweet these things can be. Reaching out for gentle reflection and getting the final nuggets of wisdom in yourself exposed through humor and no b.s. sharing. I can recommend this to anyone!
"Thank you Robert and AA Michael. That was probably the most helpful 30 minutes of my entire life. It's funny as I was writing my questions I wondered if Michael even needed them and as the reading progressed I found them useless as Michael told me exactly what I needed to know. He has a way of communicating concepts and making them simple and easy to understand. I am still amazed he could communicate so much information in such a short amount of time. I am most grateful."
"Once again, I am speechless about Michael's Message to me! I can hardly find the words to describe how it makes me feel. Its as if every word "hits the spot perfectly". Thank you beloved Michael and thank you dear Robert for doing this most wonderful work in giving Michael such a voice! I feel extremely honored to support your work!
"I just don't have words to convey my gratitude for this powerful experience which remains with me long after the session. It is definitely not a coincidence that I have stumbled upon your website as, unbeknownst to me, I have been longing for an interaction with Archangel Michael for the longest time. I feel as if I have finally found the last piece of the puzzle, and for that I will be forever in debt to you my dear Robert. I have tears in my eyes as I write this - my love, gratitude and reverence for both you and Archangel Michael are indescribable. I know I will be speaking to you both again, and my heart smiles with delight to the thought of it."
"Brilliant, thank you from the bottom of my heart"
"Thank you so much for channeling Yeshua. I was so deeply moved by the experience. Your work is a great gift to others and so deeply appreciated."
"Thanks very much. The session was amazing!Thank you for such a lovely gift."
"Thank you so much for this gift!It was very calming to my heart to listen to the words of AA Michael through you Robert! This work that you do is so wonderful! I'm so happy and grateful that I had the opportunity to receive this beautiful message!
To you and to AA Michael, all my love!
"Thank you Robert and Archangel Michael. Robert is such a clear and compassionate channeler and I have never experienced a session like this before. It is hard to find the right words to describe the experience. It was a pleasure to speak and interact with Archangel Michael one-on-one. I loved his clarity, humor, playfulness and the willingness to help. The feeling of love and acceptance from him is palpable, inspiring trust and openness. What a friend to have!"
“The collaboration of Robert and AA Michael in my conversation with them was an amazing experience – furthering my awareness of the depth of my own soul’s wisdom, and the amazing support from AA Michael and others in the spiritual realms that is available to me, and encouraging me. A very rich experience! I highly recommend a personal session with Robert.”
"Wow!! That was incredible dear Robert!! So much was shared beyond the words!"
"Today's session was a radiant blessing and it continues to unfold. I am so grateful. It was good to observe how mind tried to dominate the session and then slowly let go. Thank you for this grand gift."
"I was blown away by this direct contact with a Being of pure love and service from the other realms and how the two of you are able to sense me, to speak to me on my wave length, speak to me in a way I am able to not only hear but to understand! The gentleness and yet firmness of Michael’s message as to how to bring my soul into my life, as a dependable partner and co-creator, is, it seems to me, the ultimate message I needed and wanted to hear. My whole being is thrilled at having received such a clear road map to follow and to practice. I am moved, I am grateful and I am in awe! You are indeed a beautiful clear channeler!"
"Thank you sooo much, aren't you just fabulous!!"
"During my awakening I have listened to and enjoyed the words of several brilliant channels giving information regarding the new energy and soul integration. I have had 2 sessions with AA Michael and for whatever reason, I understand what was being communicated from AA Michael much more clearly. I find that the information he gave me is extremely useful in my day to day, moment to moment life and it has brought me greater calmness, trust, and peace within. His information to me continues to be relevant and very useful as I continue to integrate my soul, so I have listened to my session recordings many times."
"Your message gave me an overview of things, from the origin of humanity to the present moment. Also, I was amazed that the personal reading was so clear and precise, including practical answers. So thank you so much for this beautiful recording. Your talents are a gift to this world."
"There are no words to express my feelings, while listening to your words...thank you so so much...I have never heard such loving words before. You have no idea what this all means to me!!!"
"It's really difficult to express how I feel after listening to this prerecorded session... it's so profound, so touching... many tears swam out... as it is so true... so true. There is no better gift I could have received at this time. I feel deep gratitude, honor and respect for you and for AA Michael!
"My session with Archangel Michael and Robert was life changing. Each time I listen to this session "I hear" and integrate the information at deeper levels. Robert Theiss and Archangel Michael are the embodiment of pure compassion and joy. Their partnership results in sessions that are precise, personal, powerful and very present. The shifts in my confidence and consciousness as a Sovereign Being actually began to take place during the session and continues to expand and unfold in miraculous ways each day. The beauty of this partnership meets you wherever you are on your spiritual path and gently, yet powerfully guides you to the source of your true divinity...the alignment and unification of your body, mind and soul."
"The insight and wisdom provided by Michael in his answers and explanations led me to deeper truths and understanding. Thank you again for providing this service to all of us! "
“The connection between A.A Michael and Robert is so clear, so loving and so dynamic. For every heartfelt, beautiful and conscious reason in all of life there is no doubt we made the right decision to order a personal session with Michael – it is simply one of the greatest gifts there is to give to self.”
"My session was / is a beautiful experience and I wanted to thank you from my heart for making it possible!"
"I just cant tell you how much Michael's message to me has moved me in the core of my being.....there are simply no words. He has truly answered all my questions and picked me up where I was a little bit "stuck". I wish to thank Michael so very, very much for the gift of this profound message, and you, Robert, for channeling this to me in this wonderful way (recorded session)!I am deeply filled with joy and love. Thank you!"
"YES, YES, YES to every word, to every vibration of this message and a heartfelt THANK YOU to the messengers! What a gift!"
“Thank you so much for channeling AA Michael. I enjoyed it immensely, and it confirmed so much of where I am at and what I am doing in my life presently.”
"Thank you for such a gift!"
“What a gift. This opportunity was incredibly helpful and important to me on this journey. My mind had questions which were answered, but really Michael’s energy was the true experience, the anchoring of knowingness that I came for. I’m astonished that this is available to us— what a blessing and beautiful acknowledgement of our increasing level of consciousness to be able to step into such direct connection. Thank you Robert, for allowing, and Michael for your support."
"When your "Song of Your Soul" has navigated you to explore ancientwings.net there is no doubt that your are on the right page in your life. If you ever need a mentor, who already walks the talk, I highly recommend you to get in contact with Michael & Robert. What I love most about M&R is the profound wisdom, the humor, and the "No Bull Shit talk". They are true performers of light and love, it is a very safe space to be in."
"Robert is a wonderful being! As he speaks, his wisdom comes out in such a beautiful and compassionate way. It's an honour to witness it. I learn a lot from him, he definately creates the space for people to feel it's all about sharing wisdom, each one in their own place of honour and sovereignt. Thank you!"
"Michael (with Robert) is the best of the best in showing how to become intimate with Self. I feel, he always boils down everything to the one core truth: to re-establish the sweet tender and loving relationship with Self. - AAAh, thank you for this, this feels so good. I am integrating he three AAA method in my life ( acknowledge-accept - allow) and sometimes the three AAA's appear almost simultaneously. Slowly it is becoming more natural. Michael touched me deeply in this meeting and it continues like a silent symphony!"
"I had been asking the same questions for years from everyone from Adamus to Yeshua and everyone in between, always receiving the same answer: no answer. Then Michael, again not the answer my mind had been wanting and demanding and I finally understood why, because instead of the answer I wanted, I got the answer which I really needed, actually heard it, and was able to finally move beyond the mind and that big roadblock. It was only after the second listening to the session that I recognized the clarity and perfection of the message. It was as if Adamus and Robert had worked together with me playing bad cop - good cop. Adamus pushed all my buttons in the first session of Keahak IX when he ordered we give up all suffering, and my resistance was at an all-time high. I even wrote in the chat room that I might as well give up now, I will never make it. Then Michael in the second session expertly addressed my different levels of consciousness and it became crystal clear; there was no place for my stubbornness, my small human mind was not going to get what it demanded and I had to let go and allow my Self FIRST. This was the breakthrough I have needed for years. I finally am starting to understand how the energies are serving me, pushing me beyond the mind and it feels like a permanent shift although it is still integrating. In short, I get exactly what I needed from the private sessions with Michael."
" I want to thank you very much for the private private sessions with Michael. After the last session and even during it I felt that a loosening of a dense tangled knot of energy I had been holding in the core of my body. Since then I have been feeling a LOT, and have been able to allow myself to be more vulnerable to my feelings, without so much overly of emotions such as anger. I do not feel so much like a coiled spring about to snap. Soon after the session I fell into a deep sleep for about three hours, the deepest I can remember for a long time, and when I was waking up it seemed I was coming out from a portal. Weird but very comforting."
"I very recently had a Private Session with Michael and friends :) and ever since, things have really shifted..already!! How can I express the immensity of what has happened..well, maybe with a metaphor. Imagine your feet were tied to this big rock and no matter how much you tried, you just couldn't set yourself free. But suddenly, Michael comes along and blows up that rock and your chains and puff!, you are free to be. How? Where? Doesn't matter. You just allowed. Oh and actually, You blew up that rock, Michael was there to cheer you on and keep you real! The fun has only just begun. What a Private Session with Michael does is to refresh you, reboot and truly propel you towards what is real in You and it ignites your beautiful eternal light that cannot, will not be put out. But it will also be there to show you when you're pretending to be something you're not. The time I spend with Michael also inspired this miraculous change in the way my mind interacts with my Soul and viceversa!! And wow, that's a big one and it feels amazing! It really brings it to the level of honesty and integrity where true change is easy and it just happens. Already old games feel meaningless and boring and I love what is coming to the surface now and it's not what I expected. It's so much more brilliant and natural than I would have ever imagined. Thank you Michael and dear Robert for loving yourself so much that you allowed to share this gift with Us! "
"Thank you so much for making it possible for me to listen to Michael directly in such a personal way! It was such a great experience! Without any distraction Michael has brought the very issue to the point where I could realize in a new tangible and practical way how my mind up to now had dominated my life. But it now will serve me as the creator as I constantly breathe in and out the sublime joy that I really am. As a child I often took refuge in nature and deeply dived into it feeling the surroundings and the inner music of my soul while the outside experiences in my daily life were very very tough. After this session with Michael, I am now discovering the relationship with my soul in a new innocent way as a matured being. It is so great, so so beautiful to experience after listening to this session several times!"
"My session with Archangel Michael was amazing and wonderful. Afterwards, I felt like Michael's powerful, loving energy stayed with me. I felt lighter, more expansive, and more capable of tapping into wisdom and clarity too. Each time I listen to my recorded session, I understand more about myself and my life. My deepest gratitude and thanks go out to Archangel Michael for his constant efforts on behalf of all of us, and to Robert for being a such a pure channel for the Divine. I feel truly blessed."
"It has taken me a while to process the information from the reading but I just want to thank you. It was exactly what I needed to hear and it has been very healing. You do a great job of bringing in Michael's energy, it almost seems like I'm hearing the words straight from his lips. Thank you for your service, it is absolutely amazing."
"I felt the energy of Michael in every cell of my body & resonate with each and every word. The love & wisdom of Michael and you is priceless!"
"At first I hesitated writing a commentary for this message because I felt I need some newborn, never before used words to describe what this means to me. Michaels words reflected something to me that I already know but my knowingness has been embedded within a fog of doubts. He words made the fog disappear and a kind of crystal clear understanding remains. His profound words are keys that I can use instantly, doors can be opened and pathways are visible. Both the relationship with my daughter and with my body has already shifted.Thank you !"
"Thank you so much dear Michael and Robert for your words. "Upliftment" is the first word that came to my mind. Not only the content of his message tremendously cleared up myself but also the most personal and love-filled and caring manner, in which Michael was speaking to me. He was so surprisingly close and intimate that I am still deeply touched when I remember. I had been really captured by my human worries, but then Michael pulled me into an another perspective and I could immediately see the bigger picture...Now after one month - I haven't fallen back into my limited perception."