Silent Gathering
Drama Free Zone
Archangel Michael and Zadkiel have infused their presence into this page. They invite you to join them in a silent gathering of energies. Take a deep breath and allow their presence to touch your heart!
Michael serves as a master teacher in motion while Zadkiel is a true master in the art of being. They are here at this time to help guide us back to the natural state of our own divine nature.
Your welcome to visit this space as often as you like and join us 20 minutes prior to the start of any of our Live Events to help remind you of your own magnificence!
Robert and Koka

Recharge • Reconnect • Radiate
We’ve curated a selection of music and videos we’ve created over the years for everyone to enjoy. These pieces play a vital role in all of our iMystic workshops, classes, and the iSpirit program—helping you stay connected to your soul.
As you watch, allow yourself to be transported beyond the limits of everyday reality. Let the experience open you to an expanded state of being—one that feels lighter, freer, and more connected. These moments offer a chance to step beyond the dense, physical world and explore other versions of yourself.
Use this space as an entry point, an invitation to welcome different versions of your being into your human experience. Relax, breathe, and enjoy the experience.
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